February 5, 2010

BSG: The Plan

Watched 'Battlestar Galactica: The Plan' last week and as a fan of the show I thought it was pretty good. If you didn't watch the show or only half of it, it's (a bit more) hard to understand. Still, I love what they have done with 'the Plan' since all the missing pieces fall into place. From the 3rd season of BSG it was already obvious that Cavil (Cylon model number one) was the baddie of the series but with 'the Plan' you get to realise just how rotten his model really is (except for one).
Not all the actors participate in this last film yet the ones present give the show a proper sending off. There are a number of segments directly copied from the series which gives off the impression that you're watching a rerun, but (especially) in the first 15 minutes that's made up for by some great special effects. I'm sure the fans of BSG will like it. And on another note, there was also some nudity in this film and to be really honest that put a smile on my face. Watching this sci-fi film with a few beautiful half-nude women in it made me feel happy for the rest of the day. Guess I don't need a shrink to tell me what is uplifting for me.

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