November 24, 2019

Billy Meier's Henoch Prophecies - A Closer Look

Billy Meier claims to be a Prophet in contact with extraterrestrials but what are these prophecies actually made off? How are they constructed? Lets take a look at the Henoch Prophecies in Billy Meier's contact report 215.

"Before I give you a clear account of the prophecies of Henoch, I would like to point out that prophecies are always changeable and can be changed for the better if man makes positive changes in his thoughts, feelings and actions, leading to that which is better and positively progressive. Prophecies always rest upon specific causes; these again result in certain effects, whereby these effects can be changed at any time if only the preceding causes are changed in their form. Therefore, it is possible that negative or evil prophecies do not have to be fulfilled if the preceding causes will be purposely changed in a manner that positivity and good develop instead of negativity and evil." 

The first thing that should be noted here is that prophecies, according to the ET Quetzal, are not fixed events but are changeable. That's quite convenient when you think about it. If the prophecy turns out to be correct you can credit the Meier case, if the prophecy turns out to be incorrect you can claim events have changed in the mean time. That's basically a win-win scenario that's being set up. 


"I will do that in a moment, but I would like to explain before beginning that I am not authorised to give exact indication of years in an official manner."

Next remarkable item to point out (and I skipped the usual venomous insults directed at people who question Meier and his alleged 'spiritually evolved' contacts) is that the exact year of a prophecy is not provided. Convenient if you want to be deliberately vague so that your prophecy is open to multiple interpretations. What exactly is the goal here? It's certainly not being 100% accurate and convincing, Again, there's a set up of some sort. 


"The point in time at which these prophecies will begin to be fulfilled will be when a Pope will no longer reside in Rome."

Now this is actually helpful. A strong and helpful indicator. When the Pope no longer resides in Rome the Henoch Prophecies will come in to effect.


"The people will be completely powerless against all this and will live through 888 days of Hell on Earth, suffering hunger and plagues which will claim even more lives than the war itself."

Fire and Brimstone. Megadeath. The best that the technologically highly evolved Plejaren aliens that travel immense distances in the Galaxy can do is resort to religious Biblical fearporn. No aid in any form except that people should follow the teachings of Billy Meier. Is that the set up?


"As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning."

Wait a minute. Didn't the Henoch Prophecies come in to effect when a Pope no longer resides in Rome? As of this writing, November 2019, the Pope is still there. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers happened in September, 2001. The ET know-it-alls have their chronology in the wrong order. And since then no large terrorist attacks of the same caliber have taken place in the United States.
Next follows a highly unlikely WW3 scenario with France and Spain getting in armed conflict. Relations between those countries are fine right now. Civil war in France, Sweden and Russia. Again not remotely plausible in 2019. Massive civil unrest in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. With exception of the latter which has seen conflict for decades it is possible although today things are relatively peaceful. England and Wales show no signs of conflict. Right extremism is somewhat on the rise but far more in the US than in Europe. Russia - China war? No.
And it goes on. Russia attacks Scandinavia. Highly unlikely and Norway is a NATO member which means NATO would get involved. Russia attacks Turkey and Iran. Again highly unlikely. Iran is an ally of Russia and the Russians even operate an airbase there. Currently Iran depends on Russian trade and support because of sanctions imposed on that country by the US and Europe. NATO member Turkey has a large army. Russia would think twice before attacking and as of November 2019 relations are relatively good with Turkey buying the Russian S-400 missile system. Turkey is also a NATO member, if one member is attacked the rest will come to their aid. Civil wars in the US. Not likely as of now. I have noticed American culture is diverse and there's an anti-government sentiment among the people in more conservative states but the powers that be, the military-Industrial complex, would never let their country fall apart because of their (elite/financial) interests. 

So, what do the Henoch Prophecies amount up to? It becomes more clear in the addendum, what the Plejarens wish for Earth humans.

19. The earth human must free himself from the variety of political, dictatorial, military, scientific and faith-oriented directions, as this alone guarantees, on the one hand, the discovery and following of the path of the Creational truth and its laws and commandments...

Ultimately prophecies are about religion. To scare you in to a religious directive so that you'll behave in a civilized manner and reject the urges of a violent, emotional, greedy half human half monkey type of being. This is what the Billy Meier case is all about. Religion. Yet the thing is, we humans don't handle religion that well. In the last few millenia there have been many conflicts, persecution and wars revolving around religion. Clearly being religious is not efficient enough. We humans often display a severe shortcoming with religion. Intolerance towards other religions… Quite often people think their religion is the only correct one, other religions are false. And there starts the conflict.
The Billy Meier case completely misses this point and in fact does the age old fallacy. My religion (Creation) is the right and only one, all others are false. The perfect recipe for future conflicts. 

November 9, 2019

Billy Meier, The God Of Megalomania

Once you really start digging deep in the Meier case you'll find some real "gems." Billy Meier not only claims to be a contactee but also makes some startling claims in the religious and reincarnation departments. He claims to be not just a prophet as well but to be THE prophet. Yes, Meier who lives on a farm in a rural area of Switzerland with his followers is the prophet of the New Age. Not just the New Age but Every Age once you start digging.

Meier claims reincarnation is real and that the spirit form gets born into a new body again after a while resting in the beyond. His spirit form has actually a name, Nokodemion. (Oddly enough the rest of us seemingly don't have one.) Nokodemion housed in many human bodies throughout history. You'll be surprised. They even made a chart. Meier, the "prophet," was also Jesus Christ (the Meier cult calls him Jmmanuel), prophet Mohammed and basically every Biblical prophet.

Meier claims to have introduced a religion throughout history with his previous incarnations which he calls Creation but that message got lost or distorted every time. Good news though, Meier also claims to have found the Original Bible in Israel but unfortunately it got lost. Translations were made however. Now you can get the intended one, it's only $65. You just have to take Meier's word for it..

Next to the religious incarnations are also some noteworthy Nokodemion's greatest achievements. Philosophers Aristotle and Socrates. Yes. Johan Faust, Galileo Galilei. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Jakob Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Grigori Rasputin. Oddly enough not many female body incarnations.

Now, a slight recap is in order. Do I believe Meier's claims? No. These claims are outrageous. There's no historical evidence for Meier's religious claims. Ancient documents such as the Dead Sea Scrolls or early copies of the Bible or Koran make no mention whatsoever of Meier's concept of Creation but that doesn't stop seemingly high priests of the Meier cult trying to make a case where there is none.

What's more likely here? Quite frankly, Billy Meier is a megalomaniac. And a seemingly shameless one at that. In psychology this is officially called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. If you have knowledge of the Meier case see if this fits Meier's personality;

 "Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy toward other people. People with NPD often spend much time thinking about achieving power and success, or on their appearance. Typically, they also take advantage of the people around them. Such narcissistic behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and occurs across a broad range of situations."

Even Meier's ex-wife basically comes to the same conclusion. ("Sex, money and power are his motives.")  This also explains why Billy Meier, a UFO contactee, relentlessly slanders and attacks other contactees or figures in ufology. His personality can't allow any competition. He has to uplift himself by denigrating others. His behavior is consistent with his NPD. No other person on Earth is as "spiritually" advanced as him, no other person has the truth. If you think I'm jumping to conclusions here, stay seated. It gets even worse. Billy Meier contact report 238, part 10;

"...But now the question remains open, where did, for example, Nokodemion come from, who not only established and engendered new peoples, rather he also created new peoples, who he then equipped with an advanced knowledge. It is generally indeed known that Nokodemion knows an age of 86,000,000,000 years and his oldest created people 29,500,000,000 years…."

Did you get that? Meier's spirit form also created people, human beings. Do you see how far the delusions of grandeur go? Not only is he at the center of religion or spirituality with his claims of having been Jesus Christ and Mohammed and the only self acclaimed source to extraterrestrials, he is also… God. He created people! Do you understand now how far his megalomania goes? When Meier is talking about the UFO religion Creation, it is His creation. Get it?

Here's………. Billy...

November 1, 2019

Michael Horn, How Does It Compare To The Adamski Case?

I knew this for some time already but last week while reading an interview I was again reminded of a very interesting fact regarding the Adamski case. The interview itself was with Glen Steckling, head of the George Adamski Foundation (GAF). In the interview he replies indepth to some questions;

Q: Where are the Adamski's original negative photos today?

A: Locked up in our vault and archives

Q: Have the negative been investigated by experts after Adamski's death?

A: All those who have examined the photos and negatives have never questioned their integrity. As you know, Sherwood did so with Kodak as well ... The principle for telescopic photography is very simple, and with 1950s and 60s technology, the graying effect of telescopic photos cannot be faked. AND of course, the motion picture footage remains some of the best and most authentic in civilian hands ...... If you look on our website you will find a copy of the Affidavit from the photo developer who examined and printed the original negatives.

Isn't that fascinating? George Adamski's original negatives are locked up in a vault! In 2014 the GAF released a previously unseen Adamski film (from 13:18 till 13:36). It kind of makes you wonder what else is still locked up in the vault. The new Adamski footage is quite remarkable and adding to the intrique I believe I've seen the same craft myself back in the 1990s. I would love to see this particular footage re-examined by todays (computer) equipment since I'm fairly confident it will produce positive results.

Now, lets hop over to the Meier case. If I'm not mistaken no Billy Meier photo negative remains while he did claim he took over 1500 pictures. No original film remains. Meier sold them or they got lost or they got stolen. Michael Horn even admits this in one of his blog posts;

"Their skeptical cry for access to now long gone negatives, etc., has been used to try to cast doubt on the evidence, as well as the honesty and character of Meier and all concerned."

Within the Meier information itself it is admitted that many original negatives were destroyed. The unsubstantiated excuse that is forwarded by Billy Meier and his alleged alien contacts is that the Men In Black were responsible for obvious fake photographs that emerged in order to discredit the former. Just like in Michael Horn's comment attention is diverted away that Meier could just as easily be the culprit himself.

"These people have obviously also brought falsified dinosaur pictures into circulation, in order to harm “Billy” and to make him uncredible. Interestingly enough, despite the destruction of the original photos by Quetzal, that falsified photo, along with other falsifications, suddenly emerged…."

Clearly we find ourselves in an interesting situation. Billy Meier who attacked and slandered other contactees since starting the contact reports with his alleged "highly evolved" alien contacts has no original photographs and films left. Which is ultimately ironic since he held no reservations criticizing other figures in ufology for their shortcomings. Meier, apparently shamelessly, even comes up with ridiculous debunking attempts when claiming eyewitnesses in the Adamski case were under some kind of hypnosis - making them see things that weren't there.
In 2002 I took this up with the authorised U.S. Billy Meier representative Michael Horn and since then he hasn't been able to sum up the intellectual courage that his megalomaniac cult leader is making unsubstantiated false claims. Back in 2002 all Horn could muster was; "How does it (the Adamski case) compare to the Meier case?
Well Mr Horn, Adamski's house is in order so to speak. Original negatives and films remain, are locked up in a vault and are ready for re-examination. Where are Billy Meier's photo negatives and original films? Gone right? So now it's 2019 and the ultimate question for you arises in my and everyone's mind; "How does it (the Meier case) compare to the Adamski case?