February 19, 2010

The Big Repeat

Been thinking about the Big Bang theory this week and toying with a particular concept in my mind. The Big Bang is the current theory of how the Universe originated. The Universe was born out of an incredible dense singularity and expanded outwards over time. There have been theories about how the Universe will end. First there was the Big Crunch, it basically states that the Universe will cease to expand and that gravity will take over and will pull all matter back to a singularity, a collapse if you will. This theory doesn't seems to be very likely at this point because science has detected that galaxies are accelerating away from each other at an increasing rate. The next theory regarding the end of the Universe is called the Big Freeze. The Universe will continue to expand until all galaxies become isolated and all the stars burn up their fuel until there's no visible light. The latest theory is called the Big Rip. The Universe will continue to expand and accelerate until it rips itself apart at the (sub) atomic level.

I'm thinking more about a variant of the Big Bounce. The Big Bounce is the theory of an oscillating Universe, it expands and then contracts - expands and then contracts. Multiple Big Bangs if you will. At this moment in time, the singularity which caused the Big Bang might still be there at the center of our Universe. If we were to have a spaceship capable of faster than light and we would travel to the center of the Universe, what would we find? Nothing? Or a singularity charging itself for the next Big Bang? I present to you the Big Repeat. Our current expanding Universe will be supplemented by yet another Big Bang originating from the singularity at the center of our Universe. Waves of energy and matter will continue to spread out from the center like single drops of water from a leaking tap in a reservoir.
Just having some fun. :-)

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