March 3, 2009

Antonio Urzi UFO Footage - Questionable

This footage is taken by Antonio Urzi in Milan, Italy. To brake in through the door, I think it's questionable and probably faked. Although the object looks up in the sky with the camera zooming in, there are hardly any landmarks that provide relativity to size. That's not all. If you watch the video there comes a moment where the camera is filming practically underneath the UFO. That's 3:57 in the filming. Have a close look at that time-frame. (I should be more computer savvy, then I could have taken out that frame.) That couple of seconds on the film shows dots above the UFO in a straight line, meaning it's probably a fishingline with the sunlight reflecting of it at some places. Maybe there's an argument for 'lens flares' but I doubt it. I'm of the opinion that Antonio is a naughty Italian and wanted some attention.

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