From time to time I check out Kal Korff's website, mostly for its entertainment value. "Colonel" Kal manages to get into an argument with just about anybody in ufology, predominately with the 'pro' people eventhough some of them are moderate. That's 'funny' enough but his remarks on UFO cases are hilarious in that he comes up with explanations that put him firmly in the mindless debunker category. Here's what Korff had to say about the Kenneth Arnold sighting which unofficially started the modern UFO era;
. . .in honor of the anniversary of the imaginary 'alien invasion' of 1947 when Kenneth Arnold mistook seven meteors for what the press later termed 'flying saucers.'
That's quite a statement considering what Kenneth Arnold reported and don't seem to indicate meteors. Here's a report from another website. Arnold reported seeing 9 objects travelling at high speed between two mountains. The objects were moving horizontal and seemed to skip. Kal Korff claims that these were meteorites (and he wasn't even there) yet Arnold reported that one object looked like a crescent shaped craft. And Kal, meteorites tend to crash into the ground especially if they are in relatively low orbit and relatively low speed.
Another marble from Korff was this statement;
. . . and certainly the non-mysterious Phoenix Lights. The Discovery Channel DISPROVED the Phoenix Lights, just like they did the myth of Area 51 having anything to do with "UFOs." I know because I was in both documentaries, and filmed for the second one specifically, consulting on both.
The Phoenix Lights had many eyewitnesses. There's the 'flare explanation' but many people also claimed to have seen a huge craft. There is something mysterious about it. Too many people reported seeing unusual things. But leave it up to Kal Korff to decide what the people experienced. Area 51 is also quite the mystery which Korff brushes aside with great ease. But then again Korff is a debunker. He claims to want to know the truth about UFOs but every time he looks at a case he comes up with explanations that deny it. Pathetic.
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