Time and time again I run into characters on forums who support the Nazi UFO (conspiracy) theory and that's a shame if you ask me. The theory goes that scientists in Nazi Germany developed flying saucers during the second world war and that they escaped with this technology to South America and/or Antarctica. Some even suggest that Hitler escaped as well. The theory also includes that some of the early contactees such as George Adamski were in fact contacted by these Germans and there are drawings - "schematics" out there that supposedly prove this part of the theory. The theory goes even further and Germans supposedly travelled to the Moon and Mars.
I think it's a load of bullocks. Recorded history showed nothing of the sort. German aircraft engineers might have worked on some outlandish looking prototypes but that's about it. If Nazi Germany had flying saucers with superior characteristics then they simply would have defeated the Allied Air Forces and we would all be typing German right now. What makes it even more disgusting is that it becomes obvious Neo Nazis jump on this myth and it's not unreasonable to assume that the latter have alterior motives. It is my conviction that the Nazi UFO theory is a load of crap. In the future I will expand on that over several posts.
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