When looking at the structure of the Nazi regime it's also hard to comprehend how a seperate and secret section of it could break away and follow its own course, especially in light of what happend to Germany's leaders and higher echelon when the war ended with Germany being defeated.
The Nazi Hierarchy was constructed in such a way that only the men at the top had complete view over what was going on. Their grip on Germany was based on control. In other words, the leaders weren't the kind of people to let a piece of their society go unchecked. Everybody answered to their superiors and this chain of command ended with the high-ranking Nazi party members and the generals who in turn answered to Hitler. Hardly anyone broke the chain of command since it had very serious repercussions. This includes any secret projects.
During the war years Himmler, head off the SS and the Gestapo, created a society where the 'best of the best' could apply. It's origins lay in the Thule society which even reached into the occult. Documentaries show it was an order which tried to resemble tutonic German knights. This society even practised obscure ceremonies for graduates and the likes. Again Himmler was in control over this group. Himmler only answered to Hitler which gave him a huge amount of power. His faith however would turn out just as dim as the other leaders.
Any secret projects such as the German Flying Disks would require a chain of command. A project of that kind requires personnel and resources, not to mention materials and a base from which to operate. Since these crafts had to be tested Germany's own defenses had to be instructed not to fire on any disc shaped craft. Air combat patrols had to be instructed not to engage a disc shaped craft or not to enter a certain air section. Flak guns a similar story. Radar stations would have to be told to ignore signals coming from a certain air space. During the testing the base personnel would have kept a constant lookout for enemy fighter planes which roamed the German country side especially during the later stages of the war. With the exception of the Foo Fighter phenomenon hardly any report of a disc shaped craft reaches the public. No reports are made by the Germans or the Allies concerning flying discs.

What's even more controversial in my opinion is the fact that when the war ended practically all of Germany's leaders and higher echelon are either captured or killed. None seem to have escaped using the flying discs while it would have been in their power to do so. Hitler shot himself during the last days of the war. Goering was captured and put on trial at Nuremberg, he escaped his verdict by commiting suicide. Goebbles, the propaganda minister comitted suicide, not before poisening his own family. Rudolf Hess was already in custody when he attempted a peace negotiation on his own accord. Albert Speer, Germany's Minister of Armaments was captured and sentenced to jail. Our 'good friend' Heinrich Himmler, mighty head of the SS was captured by allied forces near the border where he tried to pose as a regular army soldier. Karl Donitz, admiral of the German navy and last fuhrer was also captured and sentenced to jail. None of the leaders seemed able to escape using the flying discs claimed by the Nazi UFO hypothesis.
Some Germans guilty of warcrimes do escape but most are hunted down by the Israely secret service, Simon Wiesenthal and other organisations. Practically none of the captured Germans speak of a project involving the German Flying Disc.
To summarize, history shows that none of the major players mysteriously escaped. Instead most are captured or wound up dead. This doesn't support the theory that Nazi Germany had flying saucers, quite the contrary. 2 down for the German UFO hypothesis.
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