It's also a good idea to look at the Nazi UFO Myth and see who came out with what kind of information and when. That in itself gives us a great deal of perspective on the matter. Not surprisingly much of the information is inconsistent but chronology wise it shows how the Myth of the Nazi UFOs originated. Simply put, some "researchers" probably added information over time and again not surprisingly that information couldn't be checked for authenticity, nor were the details consistent.
Giuseppe Beluzzo was probably the first to mention that flying saucers were constructed during the Second World War. This came about in 1950 in an Italian newspaper. Beluzzo claimed that circular aircraft began construction in 1942, first in Italy, and then in Germany. (At the time this was denied by the Italian Air Force.) Beluzzo was a turbine expert and had a position in the fascist regime of Mussolini. He also didn't claim those circular crafts ever flew nor that he himself actually build one. Not much detailed information.
Rudolf Schriever made similar claims just after Beluzzo in 1950. He, too, claimed only that he developed blueprints, starting in 1942, which he believed later fell into the hands of the Americans or Russians. Again also no meaningful technical information. It is claimed he worked for the U.S. Forces around the time, delivering newspapers to army bases.
Richard Miethe delivered more (personal) detailed information in 1952. Miethe gives specific details of his military background, and claims that he built a flying-saucer - the V7 which he built in 1944, the motors of which the Russians found at Breslau. He claims that from April 1943 he commanded a group of technicians of the 10th Reich Army, at Essen, Stettin and Dortmund, where the main research into German secret weapons was conducted. He doesn’t name any of the other six engineers he says were involved, but says clearly that three are dead, and three are believed to have been taken by the Russians. As ever, we have no idea how the saucer flew or functioned.
'Major' Rudolf Lusar was also one of the first to mention German flying saucers in the 1950s. His book 'German Secret Weapons of the Second World War' contains less than 2 pages (!) on the alleged German flying saucers. What's interesting to note here is that he connects previous sources and says that the designs for these ”flying discs” were drawn up by the German experts Schriever, Habermohl and Miethe, and the Italian Bellonzo, although he lists the date when the projects began as 1941. The book itself gives no clue as to the author’s background, his sources, or of any special authority or knowledge he might have had, or of access to information that was not already in the public domain.
Renato Vesco came out with a different version in 1969, focussing more on the Foo Fighter phenomenon of the Second World War. According to Vesco the Foo Fighters were anti-aircraft weapons, radio-controlled discs called 'Feuerball' and 'Kugelblitz' and of course were constructed by the Germans with the purpose of bringing down bombers. Naturally the weapons didn't work properly, and only basicly harrassed Allied airplanes. Vesco was an aeronautical engineer working in the Italian Air Force during the war, however his comments are based on his personal research, meaning it's mostly theoretical. Vesco didn't believe - strongly opposed that ETs were responsible for all the UFO sightings and he also thought this about Nazi UFOs; "The Schriever & Co stories is simply bullshit, while Vril and Haunebu are pure science-fiction.”
Sofar we have 2 decades of "German saucer information" and basicly there's hardly anything of substance. There are personal claims with no corroboration. There are a number of things to note.
First, there is no consistency in the reports. Only Lusar tried to link different sources but offers no real substance. Places, test sites, people involved (and so on) differ from eachother. There's hardly any technical information and quite often 'the plans' were taken away by American or Russian intelligence services.
Secondly, these people who claimed to have first-hand knowledge were not whisked away during Operation Paperclip, apparently they weren't viewed as important by the secret services (the same ones that took the blueprints)!
Thirdly, all the people sofar speak of conventional (propellor or jet-powered), allbeit unusual circular aircrafts. They don't speak off tachyon drives, anti-gravity, 'Vril's', 'Haunebu's', any other advanced characteristics or new scientific inventions for that matter. Clearly that has been added later on in time.
It's also worth considering where these people come from, in the context off what are their personal (political/philosofical) convictions? All of the people mentioned above had a position in the Nazi regime or in the Fascist regime of Italy. They worked for those regimes and probably remained sympathetic to those respective causes. That makes it likely that they would bolster and exaggerate their Nazi flying saucer claims. In doing so they soften the defeat of their countries and repair some of their national pride. It's quite possible they got some personal satisfaction adding material to the myth. There can be little doubt the next guy did exactly this.

Ernst Zundel (pictured above) is a German neo-Nazi who started publishing information about German UFOs in the 1970s. Here the Nazi UFO story takes a totally new course and the foundation is layed for the modern, more outlandish, conspiracy theory based interpretation of Nazi flying saucers. Zundel claimed that flying saucers were Nazi secret weapons that had taken refuge in Antarctica (Neu Schwabenland) and that bases were constructed there. He promoted the idea of Nazi secret bases in Antartica, Nazi UFOs, secret polar bases and Hollow Earth theories with like-minded individuals distributing literature through the privately owned Samisdat Publishers. This wasn't the only thing Zundel did, he was also a Holocaust denier and published literature like 'The Hitler We Loved and Why' and 'Did Six Million Really Die?' The authorities got wind of him and Zundel spend time in jail in Canada, the U.S. and Germany. The guy was (and is) a hardcore neo-Nazi and in light of his actions regarding the Holocaust it's fair to cast equal doubt on his Nazi UFO information. In a phone conversation he more or less admitted that it was all a fabrication in order to get attention for his neo-Nazi views;
"I realized that North Americans were not interested in being educated. They want to be entertained. The book was for fun. With a picture of the Führer on the cover and flying saucers coming out of Antarctica it was a chance to get on radio and TV talk shows. For about 15 minutes of an hour program I'd talk about that esoteric stuff. Then I would start talking about all those Jewish scientists in concentration camps, working on these secret weapons. And that was my chance to talk about what I wanted to talk about." "In that case," I asked him, "do you still stand by what you wrote in the UFO book?" "Look," he replied, "it has a question mark at the end of the title."
Vladimir Terziski appeared in the early 1990s and another, whole new chapter is added to the Nazi UFO mythos. This is what Kevin McClure had to say about him;
"Terziski seems, with a little help from Al Bielek of the completely loopy ‘Montauk Project’, who was co-founder of the Academy, to have introduced a completely new strand of ‘Nazi UFO’ material. It also appears in one of the series of Montauk Project books. It is so outrageously unbelievable, implausible, and devoid of supporting evidence that it has proved to be very popular among those who believe in an Illuminati conspiracy, the New World Order, and the links between our rulers and Reptilian Aliens. The last trace I’ve found of Terziski is at a speaker at a ‘patriot’ meeting in 1998, but his influence lives on, creating an alternative, revised history in which the Nazis won in the end."
The endeavours of Terziski culminate in something like Nazi Star Trek. According to him the Nazis already travelled to the Moon during the War, established a base there and later on they went to Mars. A whole range of flying saucers were build, among them those Vril and Haunebu crafts in various models. To the best of my knowledge those Vril and Haunebu "schematics" originate from Terziski where it is alleged they were old SS documents found in the KGB archives. Regardless of the authenticity of those schematics, the link is made to the contactees of the 1950s and 60s so I guess we have to 'thank' Vladimir Terziski for the claim that Nazis contacted a bunch of American contactees. Personally, I especially think the latter is utter B.S. and it's mighty strange that so many people buy into this sensational hogwash.
Listed above are the main players in the Nazi UFO Mythos. I'm sure I've forgotten a few. When you look at it you can detect that over time the Myth expanded despite the fact that there's hardly anything substantial. Like in all myths there are probably a few grains of truth. I don't find it inconceivable that German engineers might have worked on an aircraft resembling a flying saucer. At the time they experimented with a lot of designs. Still the propulsion system would have been conventional. So that might be at the core of Nazi UFOs, some design (on paper) or prototype that looked disc-shaped but it probably never reached the production stage. After the war when the modern UFO era started with Ken Arnold's sighting in 1947 a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon with their own theories. Here's where the concept of Nazi UFOs started.
Most of these people who started the Myth had a history with Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy, and it's no wonder that their personal theories stayed close to home. It becomes even more clear that personal favoratism played a big part when full blown neo-Nazis like Ernst Zundel jumped on the Nazi UFO bandwagon. Adding even more nonsense to an already shady story for their own personal gain and ideology. Finally, ultimate conspiracy people like Vladimir Terziski go into warpspeed and the concept of Nazi flying saucers is stretched to unbelievable proportions, and that's where it is today.
The Myth is busted.
1 comment:
Sir you are gravely mistaken and ill-iinformed about Nazi Flying saucers. I suggest you study the life and works of Nocola Tesla, Thomas Townsend Brown, Alfred Biefeld of the Biefeld-Brown effect, Otis T Carr and when you have adequately done your due diligence in your research, you will be one step closer to the truth.
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