As I stated previously I'm having difficulties accepting the hypothesis that during the Nazi era 'flying saucers' were build and
that those Nazi's not only escaped but are even responsible for the contact cases of the 50's and 60's. I would like to point out certain facts which make that hypothesis difficult to accept. Let me start with the aircraft designs by the Nazi's and the aftermath.
The Germans were responsible for many aircraft designs, some highly innovative. The Messerschmitt Me262 was the first jet airplane to see service. The design itself was remarkable and outstanding, the only downside were the engines which had an expected operational lifetime of approximately 50 continuous flight hours, the Jumo 004s engines lasted just 12 hours, even with adequate maintenance. The Horten Ho 229 was another remarkable aircraft.
What becomes obvious, and this is a matter of historical record, is that the Germans lacked precious metals such as chromium
and aluminium and had to build there jet engines mostly out of steel. And that element had a tendency to break down a jet engine in a relatively short time. While the Me262 was a incredibly good design it came to late in the War to make a difference. The Germans had many Me262 airframes standing in the fields because they simply lacked the resources to build the engines. At this point in the war German industry was heavily bombed and it was difficult to import precious metals.
This doesn't support the German UFO Hypothesis. Germany was barely able to produce aircraft with jet propulsion and the ones they did build were prone to failures and engine fires. In other words, they hardly had a workable jet engine. The Nazi UFO theory claims that during this time flying saucers were build. That seems unlikely given the circumstances.
Rocket engines are another matter but pose other problems. The Comet (Me163) was a rocket powered airplane design which had an endurance of 10 minutes, after which the engine quits and the plane has to glide down. All the rockets the Germans build worked on the same principle; the engine fires and continues untill the fuel is used up. This might give the user a lot of speed and short reaction time but once the fuel is used up the craft or rocket becomes a hard to control object. Once again the Germans were at the scientifical frontier with the V-1 and V-2 rockets.
After the War ended many of the scientists that worked for the Nazi regime were recruited to work for other countries. This became known as Operation Paperclip. Scientists such as Wernher von Braun, inventor of the V-2 rocket, continued his work for the U.S. government and NASA. The Soviets picked up a number of scientists as well but especially in America it's visible how the groundwork of these German scientists went on.
However and this I find important, none of the 'flying saucer' designs or even components surfaced in the US or the USSR. Let me expand on that.

In America after the Second World War the innovative German scientists helped work on several projects. The US Space Program basicly started with the V-2 design made by Werner Von Braun. Von Braun even went on to design the Apollo rocket. The Airforce jet, the F-86 Sabre was basicly (re-)designed from the Me262 with its swept-back wings. The U.S. Air Force secretly funded the Avrocar project which might have been inspired by German engineers and I state the latter because I think it's not inconcievable that circular or saucer shaped aircraft might have been designed on paper by aeronautical engineers in Nazi Germany. However, other designs such as the Vought V-173 don't follow that scenario given the timeline and are clearly domestic.
To summarize, it's clear that a large number of outstanding German engineers and scientists continued their work in the United States. We can see that simply by knowing our history lessons and what's officially on record. However, we don't see a continuation of this alleged German super saucer tech, not even crossovers to other sciences. That begs the question if there were any German flying saucers to begin with. One down for the German UFO hypothesis.
I haven't even touched upon the number 1 question; if Nazi Germany had actual flying saucers, why weren't they used in the War? There are also other (aeronautical) questions such as how did those alleged German flying saucer cope with crossing the sound barrier and supersonic flight? Because that in itself creates many technical problems. More on that and other things in upcoming posts.
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