Here's a website that displays chapter 1 from Bill Hamilton's book Alien Magic. (Have the book myself.) Like other people at the time Bill Hamilton did a lot of research on the early contactees. Sometimes fascinating, often bizarre, Bill tells all. Here's an excerpt;
During the summer of 1959, the twins Ray and Rex Stanford paid a visit to Giant Rock. Ray and Rex claimed mental contact with the "Brothers." Ray was instructed to bring a movie camera with him as the Brothers were going to make a showing over the desert in one of their Master Craft (crescent-shaped). Ray did succeed in capturing something unusual on film. A brightly-glowing object descended from the sky that afternoon and was promptly followed by a jet interceptor. In the film, you can see the object "jump," leaving the jet crawling behind it.;-D
Later, I drove Ray and Rex from Giant Rock to Mount Palomar to visit the famous George Adamski. Ray and Adamski argued about the function of the Master Craft. Adamski had taken us back to a small workshop where he was doing some experiments with magnets. Although Ray claims that Adamski virtually admitted that he had no need of contacts to describe what he had written in his books, I received no such impression from the man. Later, I interviewed witnesses to Adamski's contacts who described details of incidents without hesitation. Many others had described seeing the scout ships at close range. In 1957, I had seen an orange-glowing craft one night that had the same bell-shaped configuration as the one Adamski photographed. If Adamski had been constructing small models of this craft, then the large-sized original was making its appearance known in various parts of the world. After their visit with Adamski, Ray and Rex seemed to become disillusioned with contactees and even downplayed their own reported experiences.
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